Auckland – DA Spring Conversations 2019 : Meet the panel

5 years ago by

Design Assembly is delighted to present our DA Spring Conversations 2019 series taking place in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch in September.
Planet centric design – What is the role and responsibility of the designer?

Have you ever wondered how your job as a designer impacts our planet? Do you want to reduce your carbon footprint and create something that isn’t just designed beautifully but is beautiful by design? How can we design to consider the lifecycle of our work and integrate it into our design process?

Join us for a panel discussion where we’ll define plant centric design, discuss the challenges of recycling, and consider the role and the responsibility of the designer.

For our upcoming Auckland Spring Conversations series, Eddy Royal co-founder and Director at Curative NZ and advocate for social change will convene the conversation with; Ben Reid, Janine Bickerton, Sharon HumphreysDr Florian Graichen and Louise Nash
We are looking forward to a robust and thoughtful discussion, join us at Thievery Studios 203 Karangahape Rd, — 19th September from 6pm onwards, with the conversation kick-starting at 6:30pm.
Book your spot for Auckland (we would love to see you there!)
Tickets: $30 Professional / $20 Design Assembly Friend / $10 Design Assembly Student Friend + GST
(not a DA Friend? Sign up here)
Auckland: DA Conversations — Autumn 2019
Finally in the lead up to the event we wanted to take the opportunity to introduce you to our panel;

Eddy Royal 
Curative Director and Mama of One
Eddy’s passion for social change, her creative thinking and ability to bring people together around a cause get put into action everyday at her creative agency Curative. She loves nothing more than a challenging new brief, and exploring brave new ways to create conversations that lead to change.
You can often find her facilitating workshops, clarifying insights and working with others to dream up new ideas.
Eddy draws on her years of commercial experience in PR and Advertising to use her practiced strategic thinking and ideation to help respond to complex social issues. When she isn’t at Curative, she’s planning her next beach adventure with her husband Gareth and little girl Luka.

Ben Reid
Creative and Design Director, Milk Design
Ben Reid has been a creative and design director for 10 years. Established December 2004, Milk has been responsible for some award winning and disruptive category success stories, most notably in retail, identity and packaging design. Ben’s skill set traverses strategic brand development and applied design detail, and he’s equally at home concepting a large scale identity programme or a short term integrated campaign. His particular interest is creative problem solving and the commercially measurable success of creativity.

Janine Bickerton
General Manager, Marx Design
Janine has 2 passions: effective design and useful consumer products with a sustainable end of life. As General Manager of Marx Design, Janine leads strategic thinking and category insights to enable creative to deliver sales performance for brands. Concern around end-of-life for packaging and it’s environmental impacts lead Marx Design to join the Sustainable Business Network working group in 2018 to diagnose the New Zealand plastic packaging system. We continue to work alongside the SBN, packaging suppliers, local government, recyclers and brands in 2019 to help reduce the harm of packaging to our environment. We see our responsibility is to firstly educate ourselves and build knowledge and networks around emerging materials and suppliers so that we can lead end-of-life conversations with brands, connecting them with other experts along the way.

Sharon Humphreys
Executive Director at Packaging New Zealand
Sharon has been the Executive Director of Packaging New Zealand for the past six years.  An organisation which represents the whole packaging supply chain, including raw material suppliers, packaging manufacturers, brand owners, retailers and recycling operators.  It’s members represent more than 80% of the packaging industry by turnover, contributing $4,388m to New Zealand’s GDP, supporting over 5800 businesses employing over 52,000 people.  Sharon is a passionate advocate for the role of packaging, and her focus is to bring balance to the packaging debate.  Prior to taking up the role of Executive Director Sharon worked on the New Zealand Packaging Accords and before that in sustainability roles for DB Breweries.

Dr Florian Graichen
Science Leader – Biopolymers and Chemicals at Scion
Dr Florian Graichen is Science Leader for some of Scion’s CircularBioeconomy related science and innovation areas – specifically Biobased Polymers and Chemicals. These activities are directed at solving new product and process challenges that arise through transition into a new economy focused on sustainable design and renewable resources. Customization and circular design thinking are at the heart of all innovations. Examples include the development of advanced biobased performance products, holistic packaging solutions, valorisation of primary sector waste and side streams and agile, modular and mobile processing (additive manufacturing).

With 20+ years experience in global strategic brand development, human-centered design thinking and emerging disruptive technology, Louise Nash has founded Circularity with the purpose of empowering problem solving for a radically changing world. Following a career as a Chief Strategy Officer, in 2017 she undertook a Master of Technological Futures at The Tech Futures Lab with a focus on developing a methodology to unlock the circular economy advantage.
This methodology is drawn from circular case studies, thought leaders and research on how to make the shift from a linear model to a circular one for organisations, businesses and nations. This simple, yet powerful framework empowers people to solve environmental challenges and unlock economic value by becoming circular by design. This had led to her contribution to the first Circular Economy report produced by the Sustainable Business Network and Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development for the Auckland region.

Tags : aucklandDesign Assemblydesign eventGraphic Mattersnew zealand graphic design

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