Fresh from the Field — Cards for Kaikoura
Our Fresh from the Field this week features a timely charitable design project, called Cards for Kaikoura, led by Christchurch’s McCarthy.
A fundraising project for Kaikoura and a great, little stocking stuffer…
As a small design studio here in Christchurch (McCarthy) that went through the quakes with three studios destroyed, we know Kaikoura’s going to need some help. So, we thought we’d come up with a design led idea to make some money for the community. Kaikoura’s also pretty special as it was our escape here up the coast for a dive, and a fish, and a surf, so we made a plan. We’d created some art posters after the Christchurch quake a few years back, and raised funds for the NZ Heritage foundation which you can see here just to help remember the forgotten buildings that went down.
We’ve launched a similar thing to help with Kaikoura called Cards For Kaikoura.
Basically, we’ve got seven talented illustrators from around New Zealand (Toby Morris, Brett King, Hamish Childs, Frankie Pip, Scott Bolton, Sam Moore) who have helped us to create a limited edition six-card set featuring all the creatures and stuff from the Kaikoura coast in a unique way. All the proceeds are going to Kaikoura, and we’re hoping to make this a bit of a stocking filler for Christmas.
There are six individual A6 cards in each set, for just $20, with all proceeds going to the Kaikoura community.
Details about how to purchase can be found at:
You can see more from McCarthy at:
If you’ve got new work that you’d like to share with our Design Assembly audience, email Zoë for details.