Do digital right with DA’s new partners Blutui

5 years ago by

Innovations often begin with an ‘itch that needs to be scratched’; in design, this is particularly true: we see a problem and ideate toward a solution with tenacity. With the catch-cry “Do Digital Right” Blutui is the culmination of 4 years of this determined issues-based development by PAN, a digital creative studio based in Hamilton, who was increasingly frustrated with existing web development tools.

The PAN team

The PAN in-house team began working on a solution to directly address the challenges their agency faced with mass-market enterprise tools (be it the free open source or more expensive custom platforms).

The PAN studio

Accessibility, visibility, project control, limited creative control and a general lack of design flexibility hampers agencies and their clients the world over, the Blutui platform has identified these pain points and worked with the industry to solve them.

The result is a high-performance web development platform built for creative agencies. Blutui gives all the necessary controls to the agency and allows for any number of sites to be built cost-effectively and quickly.

“With a talent marketplace and extensive e-commerce planned for release in 2021 Blutui is at the beginning of an exciting journey”, says Charlie Cooper, Blutui’s CTO. “We’ve listened to our users from around the creative world, and they have helped enormously in terms of informing the platforms creative industry alignment”.

Among a growing feature list is Blutui’s global roaming which enables content managers to access and update all sites under their management remotely. The agency Canopy dashboard means an increasingly mobile workforce can improve their productivity and provide immediate service to clients from wherever they are, measurably improving relevance. This and the ability to brand the platform with the agency brand gives clients a heightened level of confidence that your agency has its digital credentials in order, no matter where the front-end web talent is sourced.

“We are particularly keen to work with the Design Assembly community to provide workshops and socialise Blutui as an agency-first solution”, says Charlie. “Our development team are dedicated to supporting the industry to get better at digital”.
Learn more about Blutui here & in the “Take Flight” video below.

Tags : BlutuiCharlie CooperDA PartnersGraeme BlakePAN agency

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