Wellington – DA Spring Conversations 2019 : Meet the panel

5 years ago by

Design Assembly is delighted to present our DA Spring Conversations 2019 series taking place in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch in September.
Planet centric design – What is the role and responsibility of the designer?
Have you ever wondered how your job as a designer impacts our planet? Do you want to reduce your carbon footprint and create something that isn’t just designed beautifully but is beautiful by design? How can we design to consider the lifecycle of our work and integrate it into our design process?
Join us for a panel discussion where we’ll define plant centric design, discuss the challenges of recycling, and consider the role and the responsibility of the designer.
For our upcoming Wellington Spring Conversations series, Nan O’Sullivan, Programme Director, Design for Social Innovation at Victoria University Wellington. will convene the conversation with; Matt Innes, Kim Honiss, Mark Ussher, Miriame Barbarich, and Chris Jackson.
We are looking forward to a robust and thoughtful discussion, join us at Victoria University of Wellington, Faculty of Architecture and Design, — 19th September from 6pm onwards, with the conversation kick-starting at 6:30pm.
Book your spot for Wellington (we would love to see you there!)
Tickets: $30 Professional / $20 Design Assembly Friend / $10 Design Assembly Student Friend + GST
(not a DA Friend? Sign up here)
Auckland: DA Conversations — Autumn 2019
Finally in the lead up to the event we wanted to take the opportunity to introduce you to our panel;

Matt Innes
Strategic Partner, Strategy Creative Wellington
Matt has worked with internationally recognised creative agencies in both New Zealand and Australia. He has witnessed first hand the power that quality strategy and creative can have in transforming businesses. 
He’s worked with an impressive list of clients, from banks to not-for-profits, government agencies to celebrity chefs.
Trained as a Designer at Massey University in Wellington, Matt found his way into his current role at Strategy Creative as Strategic Partner due to his insatiable desire to want the work to mean more, achieve more and be more distinctive.
When he’s not at work you’ll find Matt running around the hockey field, hunting for his next artwork or sampling Wellington’s latest restaurant. 
Matt asks
– How can the design process be used to educate the client on ‘planet centric design’, as well as delivering on expectations?

Kim Honiss
Marketing Manager, B&F Papers
Kim Honiss is Marketing Manager of B&F Papers and previously an Account Director in the design industry for many years.
Kim asks
When producing something physical (ie packaging), how will it be used, how long will it be used, how can I design to have the lowest impact on the environment?  What do I need to know about the processes I am using to make informed decisions? 

Mark Ussher
Designer & Owner, Good House Keeping
Mark Ussher is a graphic designer and artist living in Wellington. He specialises in print and packaging design with over 20 years experience working for clients in NZ. His art explores women’s roles in our society through gloss painted enamel ironing boards from the 1950-60s with a pop art advertising style. He recently opened an eco shop on Wellington’s Cuba Street in March 2018 which looks to find ways of reducing and countering the waste of western consumer markets and their impact on the planet’s environment. 

Miriame Barbarich
Co-Founder / Creative Strategist , IDIA – Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa
Ngati Maru ki Hauraki | Ngati Pikiao | Ngāti Raukawa ki Waikato
As co-founder of cultural agency IDIA (Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa) and indigenous CreativeTech hub ĀPŌPŌ, Miriame is a design innovator, thinker and doer with more than 20 years experience fun the design, communication and technology sectors.
Miriame is passionate about growing the workforce capability of indigenous peoples in the world of design and innovation; improving the lives of Māori through design-led service and experience design; and decolonising, indigenising and rehumanising Aotearoa New Zealand.
Miriame asks
Indigenous people comprise less than 5% of the world’s population but protect over 80% of the world’s biodiversity. What are we as designers doing to understand indigenous ways of being (starting in Aotearoa New Zealand) in order to be better partners in protecting our world and futures?

Chris Jackson
Founder & Director, We Create Futures
Chris is Founder and Director of We Create Futures, a globally connected strategic foresight and innovation practice, based in Wellington.
For the last 18 years, Chris has created and led strategy, design and innovation projects across public, private and the third sector. His experience is broad and deep, having been a full-time academic, public servant, working agency-side at DNA and coming full-circle back to running his own business.
He has been part of many successful projects, from creating domestic products with leading manufacturers in Europe and designing award-winning exhibitions, to building co-design capability with communities in Taranaki and re-designing the New Zealand immigration experience.
Chris asks
–  How do we do planet-centric design when our value systems are anthropocentric and even ethnocentric?

Nan O’Sullivan
Programme Director, Design for Social Innovation, Victoria University Wellington.
Having divided her career between architecture and design Nan made the leap to academia about five years ago where she is now the Director of the Design for Social Innovation (DSI) Programme at the Victoria University School of Design. The programme  challenges and grows design’s capabilities and capacity to contribute to positive change. Nan promotes indigenous knowledge as a part of the emergent design provocation, Transition Design and she regularly speaks internationally about the value of both mātauranga Māori and place-based knowledge to the design of sustainable and sustaining futures. In October Nan will be attending the World Design Assembly in Hyderabad, India and Cumulus 2019 in Bogotá, Columbia to present, discuss and expand her endeavours.  

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