100 Days Project 2017: Angelo de Marchi

7 years ago by

100 Days Project is a simple creativity project that requires one thing, every day for 100 days.

This year’s 100 Days Project is nearly over. It’s featured all its usual exciting, and unexpectedly wide range of creative endeavours. Close to 700 participants have signed up in New Zealand for 2017. We grabbed a few moments with designer/tutor/paper sculptor Angelo de Marchi to find out how his 100 Days Project had panned out:

Hi Angelo, you’re one of the nearly 700 people who have signed up for this year’s 100 Days Project. We know that you’ve done it before, so what inspired you to sign up again this year?
I enjoyed it so much in the past years, that I just had to do it again. But the secret is that I remember the good days and having fun, not the struggle and sleepless nights!

For those that may not know, can you tell us a little bit about what you’re creating for each day?
I am making a different flower out of paper and card each day.

How did you come up with the idea for this project, and what are you hoping to get out of it?
I saw some professional paper flower-makers online and liked the geometry involved in these creations. I thought it was something I could do quite easily, but wasn’t really interested until my colleague, Graeme Bibby suggested I try it.

Your previous years’ projects have also worked with paper craft/sculpture. Are you not sick of it yet?!
I started origami at the age of 7 and building paper models shortly afterwards—unfortunately, it’s in my blood, I can’t get sick of it.

How do you keep the momentum alive?
The beginning was really difficult for me because I knew nothing about flowers and I felt very outside my comfort zone. There is group called “100 Days Project – 100 Days of Motivation To Completion” started by Candace Loy on FB, that is about issues and positive responses. In this group we help each other out with inspiration and creativity. Sometimes you just need to post something there. It’s helped me out on quite a few occasions.

Do you have a favourite day (or days) that you’ve made?
My Day 25 Fuchsia is still my favourite. I had no idea that such beautiful flowers existed before I began this project.

Does this project benefit your professional role a) as a tutor at Yoobee, and b) as a designer, and can you explain how.
It does so in many ways. It has improved my photography and my knowledge of flowers, but more than anything it helps me to remember how it feels to be a student—having to work late nights to get the creative magic completed before the deadline. I have discovered new papers, some of which I’ve ordered more of, from overseas for a client and, an entirely different project that I thought I could do during the 100 Days but is now is on hold. I’m also planning to start “paper flower-making classes” from my home once the project is over.

We’re nearly at the end of 2017’s 100 Days Project. What have been some of the challenges and also some of the highlights for you?
My biggest challenges often happen when there has been something on in the evening and I find myself with a flower to do and a tired body. The process includes finding a flower that is not too difficult and not too similar to the ones I have already made.

The highlights are waking up on a Saturday morning and realising that there is a whole day to do something different, complex and detailed.

Do you plan to take part in the exhibition at the end?
I always find that exhibiting work is an honour and it doesn’t take a lot of work. After my first 100 days, I discovered that the importance of exhibiting the work is paramount to the work itself, even if it is just to end the project.

Where can our DA readers see more from you, Angelo?
I’m still trying to get my digital life sorted, so at the moment it’s only:
And my 3 projects on the 100days website:

Thanks for your time, Angelo, and good luck with the final few days. 

Visit the 100 Days Project at: 100daysproject.co.nz to check on Angelo’s progress, along with all the other 2017 participants!

Tags : 100 Days Project100 Days Project New Zealandcreativitypaper designpaper flowersworking with paper

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