Auckland: DA’s End of Year Wrap Party 2018

2018 is almost a wrap!

Save the date for DA’s End of Year Wrap Party in Auckland: Thursday 29th November at Ponsonby Social Club. Join your fellow designers and creatives and celebrate the end of the year and the start of summer with us. The Quick Draw Sketch Gang will be drawing portraits for free on the night!

DA’s End of Year Wrap Party, Auckland
Thursday, 29th November
from 6.00pm
Ponsonby Social Club
152 Ponsonby Rd, Ponsonby

Tickets are FREE but numbers are limited. 1 drink per person for the first 50 people that arrive.

With thanks to The Quick Draw Sketch Gang

Eventbrite - Design Assembly End of Year Party, Christchurch

Wellington: DA’s End of Year Wrap Party 2018

2018 is almost a wrap!

Save the date for DA’s End of Year Wrap Party in Wellington: Thursday 29th November at Fortune Favours. Join your fellow designers and creatives and celebrate the end of the year and the start of summer with us.

DA’s End of Year Wrap Party, Wellington
Thursday, 29th November
from 6.00pm
Fortune Favours
7 Leeds Street

Tickets are FREE but numbers are limited. 1 drink per person for the first 30 people that arrive. 

Eventbrite - Design Assembly End of Year Party, Wellington

End of Year Christmas Party for Wellington creatives

Join your fellow designers and creatives to celebrate the end of the year and the start of summer! Preservatorium Christmas Party, Wellington The Preservatorium 39 Webb St Mount Cook Wellington 6011 Kicks off […]

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