From the Edges

From the Edges interview series profiles academic design projects by our design school partners graduates.

Design can be explored, pushed and perhaps, become something entirely new where it exists at the edges of professional practice, in the world of academia. Free from the constraints of commercial outcomes and clients, designers explore and challenge existing paradigms.

Ready to be profiled? Upload your project details, images, and video links using the form below. Our team will review your submission and if it is selected for publication, we will contact you via email.

"*" indicates required fields

Student/School Details

Please include a name, an email and phone number for someone we can contact if anything’s missing or we need more detail.
Don’t have a website? Please link to the another platform like FB, where people can see more of your work and get in touch with you.
Tell us where people can follow you and see more of your own work E.G. LinkedIn, FB, Insta etc. (One per line).
List the names and roles of people who worked on the project with you. (Skip this box if this was a solo project).

A Bit About You

Please write the title in the following format: From the Edges – ‘Project Name’ By ‘Student Name, School Name’.
Tell us how you got to where you are now. 100 – 200 words.
100 – 200 words.
100 – 200 words.
Describe your response to the brief, how you meet the requirements, the breakthroughs or struggles you faced, and what was interesting about this project. 200 – 500 words.


One header/hero image 2650 x 1200 px. Individual file size limit of 7MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, webp, Max. file size: 7 MB.
One thumbnail image 1080px square Individual file size limit of 7MB.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, webp, Max. file size: 7 MB.
Images of the work as 1440px wide images to be included in the article body.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, webp, Max. file size: 7 MB, Max. files: 8.
    We’ll use these visuals to promote your article across socials. Can be supplied either at 1×1 OR 4×5 aspect ratio. Please keep file sizes below 5mb.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, webp, Max. file size: 7 MB, Max. files: 8.
      Add links to your hosted videos here. You can add as many as you like, one per line