2023 Hot New Things: Fiona Brady, Victoria University Wellington – Te Herenga Waka
Each summer DA profiles a selection of the top design graduates coming out of our tertiary institutions. We welcome these talented emerging professionals to our industry, learn about their passions, final projects, developing creative confidence and ambitions for the future.
Today we speak with Fiona Brady who studied Bachelor of Design Innovation majoring in Communication Design, minoring in Marketing and Management at Victoria University Wellington – Te Herenga Waka. You can find out more about Aotearoa NZ creative study options by visiting our design schools page.
Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I have just finished my third year at Victoria University of Wellington, studying towards a Bachelor of Design Innovation, majoring in Communication Design, minoring in Marketing and Management. I live and work part-time in Nelson and study online. In my spare time, I love cooking, baking, running, reading, and being out in nature, especially at the beach.
If you were a pantone colour what would you be?
P 7-8 C, sunshine yellow! Because it is bright and yellow is my favourite colour.
What did your graduating project focus on?
For my final project, I designed the branding and website for a new florist business. This included designing the brand identity, business card, flower care card, message card, sticker, and email signature. The other half of the project was designing the website, which is an important part of their business as they only have an online store.
Why did you choose to study at Victoria University Wellington – Te Herenga Waka?
I always liked Wellington city, so I wanted to study there. I chose Victoria because of its highly regarded design and business schools.
What did you enjoy most about your course, or what do you feel you can take away now that you’ve completed it?
I enjoyed studying communication design and marketing and management as they complemented each other well. Studying marketing strengthened my understanding of branding and brand identity, and I often noticed my knowledge crossing over between both subjects. The combination of working on both design and business assignments at the same time was a good balance.
Were there any exciting or unexpected discoveries to come out of your studies?
I have been surprised by the opportunities I have been exposed to through university. Recently I went through the Panana program at Ocean Design which gave me great insight into the design industry and design agency life.
What was your biggest challenge while studying and how did you overcome it?
Website coding was the biggest design challenge I faced throughout my course. Coding is so complex; however, I persisted with the process and coded a simple, usable website. It was rewarding to see how the website was created, starting from a blank page. Time management was also a challenge that I still feel like I am trying to master.
Was there someone (or something) that inspired you to pick Communication Design as a career path?
Not really. Initially, I was going to study criminology or human nutrition but realised that studying in a more creative field suited me better, and that is why I ended up studying communication design.
What’s next for you?
I have a few university papers to finish before graduating, so I plan to finish these in 2023. I want to find a job where I can apply the skills and knowledge I have gained from all parts of my degree. Whether that be at a design agency or an organisation where design is only a part of their work, I am open and excited about any opportunity. I would also like to continue working on projects as a side hustle and build my brand as a graphic and brand designer.
How can people get in touch or see more of your work?
Please contact me via my website or social platforms!
Website: https://www.fionabradycreative.com
Instagram: @creative.fiona