5 minutes with . . . Georgina Jervis, RAMP Festival Intern
Wintec Area Design student, Georgina Jervis, is the 2022 RAMP festival intern, we spoke to her to learn more about the opportunity, her background, studying at Wintec and what to look out for this year at RAMP.
This year’s RAMP festival runs from 16-18 August. Check the festival event page here for a full list of exhibitions, workshops, and events. (We hope to see you at the Design Assembly and Rocketspark Kōrero! )
This article is proudly sponsored by Wintec
Was there someone (or something) that inspired you to pick Area Design as a career path?
Yes, I was hugely inspired to go for an interview at AREA Design by my tutor, Jordan Foster—someone that constantly encourages his students to reach above and beyond. I also have always looked up to the work AREA Design produces and the influence they have amongst the design community.
How did your internship with Ramp come about?
Through my Professional Practice paper, which allows you to gain real life experiences through an internship. I was asked if I’d like the opportunity of interning at AREA design and then shortlisted amongst four other individuals.
Noting that you are midway through the opportunity… What are some of your most exciting or unexpected discoveries and experiences to come out of your Ramp Festival internship?
Ultimately, the opportunities that have come from interning with AREA Design have been huge. I have had the chance to develop my social skills, confidence within myself and my work, an understanding of what the design industry is like outside of university and not to mention the immense development of my skills on the computer and general eye for design. I didn’t know what to expect from my internship, I went in with an open mind to gain confidence and absorb the experience of working in a studio. I’ve been extremely lucky to have got to know the team at AREA and will always be appreciative of all the studio laughs and what they have taught me.
Which of the RAMP events or workshops are you looking forward to most?
There are a few that i’m looking forward to but ultimately, I can’t wait to see Seachange and what they have to share at RAMP. I’m also really excited for the Design Industry Breakfast and the Graduate Panel.
Why did you choose to study at Wintec over other schools?
I actually originally had moving to Auckland in mind and applied to study at AUT but I was declined due to having no portfolio, as I never did Design in High School. In the end, I decided that Wintec was the best fit for me, as I prefer a more hands-on approach— which Wintec had to offer. I also knew a friend who was currently studying Graphic Design and was loving it!
What was your biggest challenge while studying and how did you overcome it?
This is a hard one because there are so many challenges that come your way throughout the entirety of 3 years but, i’d have to say learning to embrace being lost in the process and not knowing where your design is going…something I always struggled to embarace but have learned to love as it is actually the most exciting place to be whilst designing.
How has your ability and confidence progressed since the beginning of your studies?
I’d say my ability and confidence has come a long way, even from last year alone. I remember thinking to myself before the summer, “how am I going to do an internship?” and having this really overwhelming lack of self confidence not only within myself but my work. This is something that comes with time and at the end of the day putting yourself out there and being keen to take on new challenges, big or small and knowing that nothing exciting will come without feeling a bit nervous.
How do you see your work and practice developing, and what are your main aspirations?
I see myself continuously growing and absorbing the community around me. My main aspirations are to not be scared of taking on new challenges and giving everything a go! That is something I continue to push myself to do in life, I have a bit of a fear that if I don’t give something a go no matter how scary it is I feel I’ll never push myself to grow as an individual and I think that is really important within the industry. I’m very excited for what’s to come, remembering that I’ve only learnt the tip of the ice berg and that there’s so much to explore with Graphic Design.
Which piece in your portfolio are you most proud of and why?
This is always changing but, currently i’d say i’m most proud of my publication i did in collaboration with a good friend of mine, Georgia Burkhart (@designsby.gb). This publication was something we wanted to push the boundaries with and use to explore the idea of process. We had a bunch of unanswered questions revolving around process methodologies and found ourselves curious and consistently asking “why do people not show their nitty gritty process and always the polished outcome?” This was a piece of work that was a great opportunity to explore a topic we were connected to and something that really excited us, getting the opportunity to interview tutors, peers, ourselves and working industry graphic designers. A piece of work I’ll forever hold close to my heart.
Lastly, where can people follow along with your work?
@byjunedesign, a little instagram account I created to share my work. Come and say hi!