DA Jobs

If you would like to list a job, please fill out our jobs form and pay by credit card. A listing on the Design Assembly jobs page is $150 for 1 job for 30 days.

For this you get:
– A listing on designassembly.org.nz/jobs/ for 30 days
– A text listing in monthly DA Job Newsletter

Recruitment Agency? Ask us about our DA Jobs Board Recruitment packages. We’ve got three different levels available to promote your agency and job listings.

The DA website gets over 10,000 visits per month and the DA EDM has a database of 3500+

The monthly DA Jobs email is sent out in the first week of each month.

DA Studio or Plus Friend? List your job for FREE – DA Studio Friend Members and DA Plus Friends Members get unlimited job listings.

Not a DA Friend yet? Subscribe today with options from $150 per year: https://designassembly.org.nz/our-da-friends/